Image resolution should be 300 dpi or higher at actual size
Images should be provided in CMYK color - no alternate color spaces should be used
For color matching, please provide target PMS color(s) in file/artwork
If you do not provide the type fonts used in your files, all type/text must be converted to outlines
Please include at least a 1⁄8 inch bleed past the cut edge of the artwork (i.e.: any backgrounds or images that you want to print right up to the cut edge must extend past the cut edge by 1⁄8 inch)
Please include a 3⁄16 inch safe area inside the cut edge of the artwork (no important images or text should come closer than 3⁄16 inch to the cut edge)
Make sure files are named descriptively (include a PO#, company name, etc.) so that your file can be distinguished from other similarly named files
Groups of files should be compressed and sent in a ZIP or RAR folder
We accept artwork and files in the following formats:
.EPS Files for Illustrator CS3 or newer, all type converted to outlines
.PDF with type fonts fully embedded
.INDD or .IDML file for InDesign CS4 and newer, packaged with all links and with type fonts in a "Document fonts" folder
Photoshop CS4 and newer file - either a .PSD with all layers merged (if a transparent background is required) or a flattened .TIFF (if transparency is not required)
Contact Information
Vestal, NY 13850 607-729-2477
Mon - Thurs: 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
If you do not receive an acknowledgment within 24 hours of your submission, please email us at